Tag: Child Safety

June 8, 2021

How to Practice Safety Scenarios with your kids for risky situations?

by Deeba Fahad

The concept of safety for children is not a simple phenomenon and requires several steps to make these lessons effective. It is unrealistic to expect small children or young adults to react perfectly to any danger situation irrespective of how well they have memorized the rules. Our school-going children are daily exposed to so many […]

June 3, 2021

Covid-19 and Kids: Facts from Myths

by Deeba Fahad

Schools in Pakistan are preparing to reopen for primary and middle levels. There is a rising concern among parents regarding the impact that current wave of Covid-19 can have on kids. At the same time, there are parents who consider the virus to be of lesser concern for young kids. Due to variance in data […]

May 5, 2021

5 Self-Defense Strategies for Children

by Deeba Fahad

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May 5, 2021

Impact of Social Media on Children: The Upside

by Deeba Fahad
Social media platforms have evolved rapidly during the past few decades with constant stream of new avenues for self-expression, sharing and interaction. Since the 2000s, social media evolved from chatting forums like MIRC, messenger to a whole new online world of Orkut, Facebook, twitter, and Instagram. This paradigm shift has been proved to be a [...]
May 5, 2021

The Downside of Social Media for Children

by Deeba Fahad
The debate of pros and cons of social media exposure for children has picked up pace and intensity during the lockdown as parents are now forced to relax screen time restrictions for children. It is a common perception that social media does more harm to younger kids and adults than offering benefits. In order to [...]